Maharishi Vastu Alliance

“Maharishi Sthāpatya Veda is the most ancient and complete system of architecture and planning according to the solar, lunar, and planetary influences on the earth with reference to the north and south poles and the equator—connecting individual life with Cosmic Life, individual intelligence with Cosmic Intelligence.”                                            —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Vāstu Alliance (MVA) acknowledge the design and environmental challenges of the times, including the impact of human activity on the planet—our congested, polluted cities and unsustainable living. MVA brings together experienced architects, planners, designers and Vastu experts passionate about creating places of beauty, balance, peace and wellbeing.

“Maha” means “great”; “Rishi” means “knower” or “seer” and this designator, “Maharishi”, identifies this unique approach to Vāstu. Based on complete Vedic knowledge, it is holistic architecture and planning in accord with nature’s design. Through the knowledge of Maharishi Sthāpatya Veda and Maharishi Vāstu—the science and technology of establishing life in accord with natural law in a life- supporting environment—MVA has a compassionate, practical mission: to promote and research resilient, green, pollution-free, healthy places for people to live and work, in an architecture for happiness, knowledge and enlightenment.

MVA’s vision is to bring together a global alliance of concerned designers, architects, city planners, urban designers, researchers, artists and engineers, dedicated to design that seeks to foster creative, vital, peace-loving, healthy communities. MVA aims to explore programs and research initiatives, and to promote, design and plan the construction of developments—including stand-alone buildings, villages, cities, urban environments, parks, gardens, nuanced spaces and connections—to establish resilient and sustainable habitat. This means creating sites that align individual intelligence with Cosmic intelligence, individual life with Cosmic life.

In order to achieve this, our focus:

1) Is initially within the Asia-Pacific region, bringing together international experts to collaborate on potential research and development initiatives, and broader projects as our base expands;
2) extends to conducting research on design, construction and experience of habitation in Maharishi Vāstu;
3) incorporates Vedic organic, regenerative agriculture and Vedic Approach to Health; and
4) encourages support of unique, indigenous, community-based developments for the benefit of their citizens.


Our international collaborators have expertise in architecture, architectural theory, planning, development, design, Maharishi Vāstu Architecture, Maharishi Vedic Science and the creative arts. Our team brings together experts from New Zealand and Australia, Brazil, Germany, Kenya, Peru, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and the United Kingdom.

MVA welcomes interest and conversation around Maharishi Vāstu, a relatively new field in many countries but a field which is based on ancient Vedic knowledge of Sthāpatya Veda. We are excited for the possibilities of this ecological, holistic perspective on architecture, planning and design—bringing an integrated vision to the world of contemporary architecture. With MVRI’s Vishwakarman Professors Dr Neil Hamill and Gaynor Hamill, MVA collaborators include: Berenice Brendler (Brazil), Rolf Kuipel (Germany), Ognjen Djurovic (Serbia), Mirtha Huamancaja Franco (Perú), Șurcă Roxana Liana (Romania), Javier Ortiz Cabrejos (Perú), Solomon Mwangi (Kenya), Darija Orešković (Slovenia), Frank Lyons (United Kingdom), Jonathon Phillips (United Kingdom), Betsy Kettle (New Zealand), David Kettle (New Zealand), and Anna Bonshek (Australia).

If you would like to enquire about our publications, please contact us at