MVRI Press Publications

In its role of contributing to the field of Vedic knowledge, MVRI Press publishes books on all areas of science and humanities, examining theoretical frameworks, research, and technology in all fields of knowledge—understood from the perspective of exploration, research, and also the documentation of the history and effects, of Maharishi Vedic Science and its applications.

Published volumes:

Fullness of Life: the Foundations of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence

Geoffrey Wells, with Lee Fergusson and Anna Bonshek

Preface by Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace

MVRI Press

Paperback. 452 pages with charts, tables and illustrations

ISBN: 978-0-6489102-1-3

“Despite the scientific discovery of fundamental laws of nature and new technologies for the advancement of society, as early as the 1960s and 1970s Maharishi Mahesh Yogi recognised that few people were living an ideal life and the concepts of an ideal person or an ideal society were largely unacknowledged. The term ‘ideal’ refers to a healthy and fulfilled life where individuals and societies are living without suffering. It can also refer to a life lived in an enlightened state of consciousness, both on the individual and the collective level.

These two ideas—individual and collective—are interdependent according to Maharishi and will be examined more closely in this book. In travelling and speaking to people all over the world, Maharishi noted that modern education lacked the ability to apply the knowledge of the laws of nature as discovered by science and thereby lacked the means to develop the full potential of human life and to create a better world.

“By not using his full [mental and physical] potential, man is unable to fulfil the purpose of his life. He suffers in many ways because he is not using the full conscious capacity of his mind or the great energy he carries within himself”.

Maharishi’s fundamental point was that “all weakness and problems in society have their basis in a lack of culture of the human mind, and this in turn is the result of incomplete education. Education is incomplete when it fails to develop the full creativity of the individual and fails to nurture his ability to act in accordance with all the laws of nature.”

To address this inadequacy, Maharishi introduced his Science of Creative Intelligence (SCI) in the early 1970s and encouraged its incorporation into the educational systems of the world. The Science of Creative Intelligence, by “opening one’s awareness to the infinite, unbounded value of intelligence broadens the awareness and makes it permanently unbounded, so that no area of life remains foreign. This is the ground of all knowledge—complete knowledge—and therefore is the basis of complete fulfillment….

“We will count ourselves successful only when the problems of today’s world are substantially reduced and eventually eliminated, and the educational institutions of every country are capable of producing fully developed citizens.”

“The Science of Creative Intelligence”, Maharishi went on to point out, “has its beginnings in the observation of the phenomenal world. An apple fell and Newton structured gravity. Closely examining a phenomenon reveals laws which are then found to have application and use in other fields according to their range of influence.

“Just like any other science, the Science of Creative Intelligence is advanced by close observation and study, and what it observes and studies is how one creates. Since the physical properties of phenomena differ, the study of the physical aspects of things alone can neither provide complete knowledge nor present a common basis for all branches of learning. A common basis can only be found in something which is the same in all phenomena and every study.

“Order in nature and man’s power of ordering is at the core of every physical existence and every human mind. The understanding of the nature of intelligence, therefore, can be the common ground of all knowledge. Thus, it is creative intelligence which is the dynamic of interdisciplinary study through which its goal can be achieved.”

Thus, Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence “arose from the major discovery that there exists in every human being the constant source of intelligence, energy and happiness and that this source can be easily and systematically drawn upon by everyone for spontaneous use in everyday life through the practice known as Transcendental Meditation.”

To articulate and activate his intention of reinvigorating individual and collective life by aligning outer life with all the laws of nature, with what he called the “common ground of all knowledge” in creative intelligence, in 1972 Maharishi announced and launched his World Plan. This “admittedly ambitious”, but practical Plan, sought to achieve seven goals for humanity. In order, as he articulated them, these seven goals were: 1) to develop the full potential of the individual; 2) to improve governmental achievements; 3) to realise the highest ideals of education; 4) to eliminate the age-old problem of crime and all behaviour that brings unhappiness to the family of man; 5) to maximise the intelligent use of the environment; 6) to bring fulfilment to the economic aspirations of individuals and society; and 7) to achieve the spiritual goals of mankind in this generation.

To help achieve these ambitious goals, Maharishi founded Maharishi International University to “bring to fulfilment an ideal of life which has been sought by educational institutions throughout the ages: that every man, irrespective of his interests, abilities or background, can develop the full potential of human life through the knowledge and experience that the Science of Creative Intelligence provides”, and created Global Television to “bring the knowledge of SCI quickly into every home, develop the full potential of every individual and family, make every home happy and prosperous, and provide a foundation for happiness to live with man generation after generation”.

In the 1980s, Maharishi went further and identified the “common ground of all knowledge”, as introduced in his Science of Creative Intelligence at its traditional source, in ancient Vedic knowledge: in Veda and the Vedic Literature.

Thus, he introduced the science of complete knowledge, providing a comprehensive understanding of the nature and application of creative intelligence and the technologies for enlivening the infinite potential of consciousness in his Vedic Science—a complete science of consciousness and its expressions as formulated by Maharishi. The term ‘Vedic’, Maharishi explained, includes “the whole path of knowledge from the knower to the known—the whole field of subjectivity, objectivity, and their relationship; the whole field of life, unmanifest and manifest; the whole field of ‘Being’ and ‘Becoming’; the whole range of knowledge from its source to its goal—the eternal source, course, and goal of all knowledge. The word ‘Vedic’ encompasses the whole unbounded field of space and time from point to infinity.”

The practical, experiential technologies of both Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence and Maharishi Vedic Science are the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying, which provide every individual with the means to gain direct experience of pure consciousness, the field of pure creative intelligence and the home of all the laws of nature, and thereby develop their full potential.

This book explores the theoretical foundations of these basic tenets and principles of Maharishi’s knowledge as explained in his Science of Creative Intelligence. In this, the book aims to acknowledge the universal significance of Maharishi’s knowledge and its perpetual usefulness for the inner and outer development of individual life, in any place, at any time, in any culture or tradition and, importantly, in today’s fast-paced world with its increasingly frequent local and global challenges.

The Science of Creative Intelligence, with its practical technologies, provides a means for us to unlock boundless creativity, intelligence, and energy, live more and more in tune with the laws of nature, enjoy an ideal life, and solve the problems of our time. To this end, Maharishi said of his Science of Creative Intelligence:

It is beautiful to offer this flower of knowledge to each citizen of the world, whose every thought, word and action contributes to the direction of our time and is instrumental in shaping the destiny of all mankind. To inspire the whole population for knowledge and action has always been the joy of every enlightened individual. Here is something that will strengthen and glorify this beautiful tradition.

As Dr Bevan Morris states in his Preface:

“The Science of Creative Intelligence has been demonstrated by scientific research over the last 50 years to develop individual and collective life in uniquely beneficial ways to offer a better future for the human race. This conclusion is the subject of the present important book: Fullness of Life: The Foundations of Maharishi's Science of Creative Intelligence.”

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Living Peace: The Contribution of Maharishi Vedic Science to Global Security 2020

Lee Fergusson, Anna Bonshek, Geoffrey A. Wells, Wendy Cavanaugh, Kenneth L. Cavanaugh (Editors)

Foreward by Dr Tony Nader, Md. PhD. MARR

MVRI Press

Paperback. 351 pages with charts, tables and illustrations and additional 14 colour pages

ISBN: 978-0-6489102-0-6

“A stressed man will always create, in his own mind, doubts about others. Because of stress, his comprehension is narrow, so he loses contact with the elements outside his perception and comes to a wrong decision. The more the stresses, the worse the situation and the more the number of enemies that will be created. If there are problems, examine your own situation, closely analyse your thoughts and actions, and make sure you are not violating Natural Law.

The only effective defence is prevention; that means disallow the birth of an enemy; that means we must learn how to be friends with Nature, because Natural Law is the only invincible force. The nation can be invincible only when national life is behaving in accordance with all the Laws of Nature…The practical technology for achieving this is Transcendental Meditation practised by the people.”                                                                                    —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

On Living Peace

This book begins with a chapter by Maharishi on his Absolute Theory of Defence. Maharishi presents his core philosophy of defence and points out that it has its beginnings before creation where the unmanifest field of absolute peace is an invincible continuum of pure existence or pure consciousness and thus free from disturbance. This is followed by a chapter by Dr Bevan Morris on Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology as a systematic approach to creating permanent world peace. Dr Morris points out the failure of government leaders to create world peace either at the negotiating table or the battlefield and asserts the only means to create lasting peace is with permanent coherence creating groups. Two chapters by Dr Lee Fergusson consider the theme of world peace in Maharishi’s literature from 1955, organised in five separate decades, and the plans, programs and events that Maharishi designed and implemented over 50 years to operationalise his theories and demonstrate evidence of their effectiveness. These chapters document the remarkable and unswerving life-long goal of Maharishi to bring peace to everyone across the world. Following on from these is a chapter on Artists for World Peace and Strategies for Vedic Defence with colour art pages, and an important chapter by Dr Geoffrey Wells on Peace in the Individual in Maharishi Vedic Science as expressed in the Bhagavad-Gita. As Maharishi pointed out:

“The Bhagavad-Gita is a complete guide to practical life. It will always be there to rescue man in any situation. It is like an anchor for the ship of life sailing on the turbulent waters of time…It brings fulfillment to the life of the individual. When society accepts it, social well-being and security will result, and when the world hears it, world peace will be permanent.”

The last three chapters are updated articles devoted to research on: 1) Global impact of the Maharishi Effect from 1974 to 2017: Theory and Research by David Orme-Johnson and Lee Fergusson. This is a survey of the theory and research on conflict resolution as documented in the published literature over 43 years, revealing the role of Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi program on improvements in society; 2) U.S. Soviet Relations During the Cold War: An Historical Time Series Analysis of Soviet Behaviour Towards the U.S. by Ken Cavanaugh, Paul Gelderloos, and Michael Dillbeck, which puts Maharishi’s theories to the test by empirically analysing the relationship of the superpowers during the Cold War period from 1979-1986; and 3) U.S.-Soviet Relations During the Cold War: An Historical Time Series Analysis of U.S. Presidential Statements concerning the Soviet Union, by Paul Gelderloos, Ken Cavanaugh, Martin Frid and Xiaoping Xue, which empirically tests the hypothesis that individuals practicing Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi Program in a group have a salutary impact on relations between countries as expressed by the head of state.

The purpose of the book is to investigate peace as it has been explained by Maharishi, specifically his contribution to an understanding of individual peace, world peace and global security and to systematically explore how they can be achieved and sustained.

As Dr Tony Nader, MD. PhD. MAAR states in his Foreword: 

”This book…provides hope for a better future. It seeks to systematically present a viable and trustworthy approach to world peace, based upon a clearly articulated set of propositions, principles, and theories and a well-documented series of empirical technologies and global programs which explain and demonstrably show that peace is not only possible but within easy reach of every society. These theories, technologies, and programs, rooted in the ancient Vedic tradition and built on a reliable foundation of creating peace within the individual, are the work of one man: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. I recommend the book to the world's well-wishers who seek to find a viable, scientific approach to creating a long sought after and lasting peace for the world.” 

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Redefining Sustainability: Life in Accord with Natural Law through Maharishi Vedic Science, 2019

Lee Fergusson and Anna Bonshek (Editors)

MVRI Press

Paperback, 366 pages with charts and tables

ISBN: 978-0-9872633-9-1


“Although there are certainly many things in the world to be put right, we shall not be able to accomplish this humane ideal by merely reshuffling the environment. It will never humanly succeed until we can see and appreciate that environment at its full value, until we can envision all its possibilities with expanded mind and heart so that they may be actualized to the advantage of everyone and everything in nature.”

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


On Redefining Sustainability:

“Redefining Sustainability: Life in Accord with Natural Law through Maharishi Vedic Science is an exploration of the interface between two disciplines: sustainability science and Maharishi Vedic Science. It provides not only in-depth consideration of principles, theories and concepts associated with sustainability, but also measured analyses of practical techniques, methods, and programs which have been applied throughout the world to achieve the goals of a sustainable future.


“The topic of sustainable futures is common and widespread in today’s social, political, economic, and academic discourse. Many theories and approaches have been advanced, and each undoubtedly contributes its share to creating processes, programs, systems and practices that can be maintained without depleting itself or its inputs, and which does not damage its surroundings. However, this book presents the interested reader with something different; it presents not only the theory but more importantly the practical techniques for creating sustainable futures through Maharishi Vedic Science. I therefore, highly recommend this book to anyone interested in creating individual and collective sustainability.”

Dr Appachanda Thimmaiah


Table of Contents:

Foreword, A. Thimmaiah


Chapter 1: Principles and Practice of Sustainability in Maharishi Vedic Science,

L. Fergusson, G. Wells, D. Kettle

Chapter 2: Responding to Climate Change: The Contribution of Maharishi Vedic Science, G. Wells, L. Fergusson, D. Kettle, A. Bonshek

Chapter 3: Addressing the Wicked Problems of Sustainability through Consciousness-Based Education, C. Jones, G. Akura

Chapter 4: Indigenous Accounts of Environmental Stewardship in the Light of the Theory and Language of Maharishi Vedic Science,

L. Fergusson, D. Kettle, G. Wells

Chapter 5: The Personal, Social and Environmental Sustainability of Jainism in the Light of Maharishi Vedic Science, L. Fergusson, G. Wells, D. Kettle

Chapter 6: Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology: Bringing Fulfilment to Urban Sustainability, D. Kettle

Chapter 7: A Unified Field Chart of Urban Sustainability, D. Kettle, L. Fergusson, G. Wells

Chapter 8: Human Development and Capability: Reconstructed and Fulfilled through Maharishi Vedic Science, D. Kettle, G. Wells, L. Fergusson

Chapter 9: Industrial Sustainability and the Circular Economy as Counterparts to the Self-Referral Structure of Natural Law: A Theoretical Foundation, L. Fergusson, G. Wells, D. Kettle

Chapter 10: Industrial Sustainability and the Circular Economy as Counterparts to the Self-Referral Structure of Natural Law: A Global Case Study, L. Fergusson

Chapter 11: Creating Sustainable Urban Societies through Group Practise of the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Program, K.L. Cavanaugh, M.C. Dillbeck

Chapter 12: The Effect of Coherent Collective Consciousness on National Quality of Life and Economic Performance Indicators: A Path to Economic Sustainability, G. Hatchard, K. Cavanaugh

Contributors Biographies



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A Research Guide to the Literature of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 2018

Lee Fergusson

MVRI Press

Paperback, 437 pages, with illustrations

ISBN: 978-0-9872633-8-4


Featured quote from A Research Guide:

“In offering Invincibility to Every Nation, we are offering the world a chance to rise to that brilliant majesty and dignity of life which is the birthright of every individual and of every nation. In the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme we have the practical knowledge needed to ring the Bell of invincibility and forever free mankind from bondage. The nature of life is unbounded and invincible bliss consciousness. There is no need for any individual to suffer or for any nation to face problems.”                                                                                                                    —Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


On A Research Guide to the Literature of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Since 1955, a significant global research and publishing program has accompanied the teaching of Maharishi. This research program into Vedic knowledge, along with it’s accompanying international publishing effort, consists of thousands of published documents, many authored by Maharishi, including books, booklets, literature reviews, white papers, conference proceedings, display charts, and posters, many translated into languages as diverse as Spanish, Russian, Turkish, Hindi, Malayalam, and Mandarin.


Topics include the Veda and the Vedic Literature, consciousness, Natural law and the laws of nature, physics, chemistry, physiology, mathematics, law, justice, rehabilitation, education, health and ageing, government, business and industry, management and leadership, economics and agriculture, among many other areas. This book is a remarkable resource for researchers in this field. 

Table of Contents:

  • Introduction
  • Survey of Maharishi’s Literature
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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Maharishi Vedic University in Cambodia: Educational Reconstruction and Social Renewal, 2017

Lee Fergusson and Anna Bonshek (Editors)

MVRI Press and Prana World Publishing

Paperback, 434 pages, with photographs, (Second Edition)

ISBN: 978-0-9872633-7-7


On Maharishi Vedic University in Cambodia: Educational Reconstruction and Social Renewal:

This is the Second Edition of Maharishi Vedic University (MVU) in Cambodia. It includes important additional material on the impact of the university on Cambodian economic and social wellbeing indicators. The book covers a history of education in Cambodia and then surveys the theoretical foundations and applied elements of MVU considering the motivations, goals, theories, programs, and social and research outcomes of MVU in Cambodia. It expands the documentation and research covered in the First Edition with additional published research on economic and social wellbeing as a result of the group practice of Maharishi Transcendental Meditation and the Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi program at MVU from 1993-2008. A valuable document and resource, this book serves as a guide to teachers, students, and educators, providing a window into educational innovation, while illustrating the significance and scope of MVU and celebrating its achievements for the people of Cambodia. 

“This important book does not seek to exhaustively analyse Maharishi Vedic University in Cambodia since its inception in 1993; what is does provide is an overview of the history of higher education and teacher education from 1953 through to the 1990s and beyond, and documents in a clear and scientific way the motivation behind establishing Maharishi Vedic University while high lighting the measurable outcomes of  Vedic Science-Based Education in Cambodia. I have applauded the efforts of the administrators and educators of MVU in the past, and welcome the production of this book by Dr Lee Fergusson and Dr Anna Bonshek; it will provide a valuable resource for educators in Cambodia.”

—His Excellency and Honourable Dr. Ung Huot

Former Prime Minister of the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia


Table of Contents

Foreword: Improving the Lives of Cambodian Youth, Ung Huot

Introduction: A Gateway to Fulfilment in Education, L. Fergusson, A. Bonshek


Part I: Cambodian Education from 1953-2010

1. A Culture Under Siege: Education in Cambodia from 1953 to 1979, L. Fergusson, G. Le Masson

2. From the Ground Up: Cambodian Higher Education and Teacher Education from 1979-1995, L. Fergusson, G. Le Masson

3. Reform, Restructuring, and Rehabilitation: Post-Secondary Education from the Mid-1990s to 2010, L. Fergusson, M. King


Part II: Maharishi Vedic Science—Principles and Practice

4. The Missing Element: Maharishi Vedic Science and Education, L. Fergusson, A. Bonshek

5. A “Great Gift”: Maharishi’s Program to Create World Peace, D. Orme-Johnson, M. Dillbeck


Part III: Maharishi Vedic University—Curriculum and Research Outcomes

6. All Knowledge in One Brain: Maharishi Vedic University and the Renewal of Cambodia, L. Fergusson, S. Brown

7. Introducing Silence: The Relevance of Transcendental Meditation to Higher Education in Cambodia, L. Fergusson, A. Bonshek, M. Boudigues

8. Awakening Mental Potential: Vedic Science-Based Education and Intelligence, L. Fergusson, A. Bonshek, G. Le Masson

9. Freedom from Fear: Personality and Health of Cambodian Undergraduates, L. Fergusson, A. Bonshek, J-M. Boudigues


Part IV: A Vision for the Future—Enlivening Innovation and Continuity

10. The Impact of Maharishi Vedic University on Cambodian Economic and Social Indicators from 1980 to 2015, L. Fergusson

11. Stability and Adaptability: New Roots for Cambodian Education, J. Price, S. Price

12. A Disease-Free Society: Health in Cambodia through Maharishi Ayur-Ved, S.T. Narasimha Chari, Sumana Chari

13. Sustaining Consciousness and Culturing Life through the Arts and Architecture, A. Bonshek, N. Hamill


About the Editors and Contributors



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Affiliated publication (Launched at the First Regional Conference of MVRI)


The Unmanifest Canvas: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Arts, Creativity and Perception, 2014

Lee Fergusson and Anna Bonshek (Editors)

Maharishi University of Management Press, Fairfield, Iowa, USA and Prana World Publishing, Australia

Hardcover, 423 pages

ISBN: 978-0-923569-47-1


About The Unmanifest Canvas

In this era when the functioning of the brain physiology increasingly informs our understanding of the creative process, Maharishi's teaching on the nature of the arts, creativity, and perception—compiled and presented in The Unmanifest Canvas—brings deep, unparalleled insights into these relatively uncharted realms of human experience. Art, Maharishi states, is the graceful method of accomplishing anything, and the art of living any phase of life is the ability to master that phase using latent potentialities and correct techniques. Maharishi explains how art has its source in the transcendent—the universal, unbounded basis of life and individual awareness. When the artist’s awareness is in tune with this fountain of infinite creativity, this field of bliss, art breathes the fullness of life and inspires people throughout eternity. This fascinating book is an indispensable, enlightening resource for creative producers, artists, art educators and art lovers, today, and for all future generations.


The Unmanifest Canvas contains 22 chapters with titles as follows:

1. Art and the Artist, 2. The Supreme Role of Art and Science, 3. Training in the Creative Arts, 4. The Mechanics of Perception, 5. Identifying the Source of Universal Creativity, 6. The Relationship of Creativity and Suffering, 7. The Nature of Genius, 8, How Creative Intelligence Expresses Itself  in Waves of Happiness, 9. A Press Conference with Buckminster Fuller, 10. Creativity and Creative Intelligence, 11. The Artist and the Scientist, 12. The Mechanics of Creation: Pure Intelligence Unfolding and Rejoicing within Itself, 13. Art and the Mechanics of Expressing Creation, 14. Expressing the Fuller Values of Life through Art, 15. Art, Creativity and World Problems,16. The Role of the Artist, 17. Art to Articulate Life, 18. Art and the Field of Infinite Correlation, 19. Art and the Ultimate Reality of Life, 20. The Ideal of Art, 21. Harmony Produces Art, 22. World Parliament of Peace an Art and Music

The Unmanifest Canvas can be ordered through Maharishi University of Management Press at: <>

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