JMVRI Issue Number 14

JMVRI Issue Number Fourteen is the second of three Special Issues which serialise a new book by Dr Geoffrey Wells, titled The Foundations of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence. The first instalments of the book appear in JMVRI Issue Number 12. This Special Issue contains the next three Chapters: Chapter Four—dealing with the fifth state of consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness; Chapter Five—concerning the theme of living Cosmic Consciousness; and Chapter Six—discussing the sixth state of consciousness, Refined Cosmic Consciousness.

JMVRI Issue Number 14

JMVRI Paper 14.1

The Foundations of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence

Chapter Four: The Fifth State of Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness

Author: Geoffrey A. Wells, with Lee Fergusson and Anna Bonshek

This paper can be downloaded via the following link:

Citation: Wells, G. A., with Fergusson, L., & Bonshek, A. (2020). The foundations of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence—Chapter four: The fifth state of consciousness, cosmic consciousness. Journal of Maharishi Vedic Research Institute, 14, 13-54.

Summary (excerpt): 

We have emphasised Maharishi’s description of Transcendental Meditation as a technique. In this context, we have described some of the remarkable and beneficial changes it brings to both mind and body during the period of practice. Maharishi also, however, speaks of his. Transcendental Meditation program. This refers to the fact that Transcendental Meditation is practiced twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. The question which naturally arises is: what are the cumulative effects of this daily practice? Maharishi’s answer is of the greatest significance to our understanding of human life, both individual and collective. It is that the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation and its associated programs (particularly, as we shall see, the Transcendental Meditation-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying) systematically gives rise to a predictable sequence of higher states of consciousness—the fifth, sixth, and seventh states of consciousness—of which the last represents the full development of human potential. These states of consciousness, with Maharishi’s English and Sanskrit names for them, are as follows:

Cosmic Consciousness: Turiyateet Avastha or Turiyateet Chetna

Refined Cosmic Consciousness or God Consciousness: Bhagavat Chetna

Unity Consciousness: Brahmi Sthithi or Brahmi Chetna.

The significance of these names will become apparent in our discussion of the characteristics Maharishi ascribes to them in this and later chapters of the book.

JMVRI Paper 14.2

The Foundations of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence

Chapter Five: Living Cosmic Consciousness, a Life of Complete Fulfilment

Author: Geoffrey A. Wells, with Lee Fergusson and Anna Bonshek

This paper can be downloaded via the following link:

Citation: Wells, G. A., with Fergusson, L., & Bonshek, A. (2020). The foundations of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence—Chapter five: Living cosmic consciousness, a life of complete fulfilment. Journal of Maharishi Vedic Research Institute, 14, 55-87..

Summary (excerpt):

In this chapter, we will explore further the relationship between action, impression, and desire and consider their relation to living Cosmic Consciousness. Such considerations illuminate the nature of ignorance as well as the nature of enlightenment and the means by which the former is transformed into the latter. Action, impression, and desire were constant themes of Maharishi’s teaching in its first decade, and Maharishi has brought out the same theme, as we shall see in a later part of this work, in the more advanced understanding of Pragya-aparadha, ‘the mistake of the intellect.

JMVRI Paper 14.3

The Foundations of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence

Chapter Six: The Sixth State of Consciousness, Refined Cosmic Consciousness

Author: Geoffrey A. Wells, with Lee Fergusson and Anna Bonshek

This paper can be downloaded via the following link:

Citation: Wells, G. A., with Fergusson, L., & Bonshek, A. (2020). The foundations of Maharishi’s Science of Creative Intelligence—Chapter six: The sixth state of consciousness, refined cosmic consciousness. Journal of Maharishi Vedic Research Institute, 14, 89-123.

Summary (excerpt):

We come now to the final steps in Maharishi’s supreme vision of the possibilities open to human life: the sixth and seventh states of consciousness. Here, Maharishi teaches, is found the pinnacle of human development, the state of glorified life that the human mind and body are designed to live, which, through his simple technologies of consciousness, is open to anyone. Maharishi’s published writings about these higher states of consciousness are fewer than for Transcendental Consciousness and Cosmic Consciousness. The reason for this seems to be linked to an important historical dimension of Maharishi’s teaching: systematic understanding of higher states of consciousness has been given out byMaharishi as the experiences characteristic of them have become more common in the world. Nevertheless, in his published works, Maharishi has clearly laid out the nature of these sixth and seventh states and the means by which they are gained. These descriptions are so concentrated and so rich that they provide profound insights and deserve the most careful attention. Such accounts of the highest levels of human life are extraordinarily rare in human history, and the experiences unique to these levels do not seem at any time to have been described with the clarity, precision, and completeness that Maharishi brings to them.

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